Out of School Club have the ‘get up and go’ thanks to recent funding

Deganwy Out of School Club have been able to enrich children’s physical and emotional wellbeing with funding from the Conwy Valley and North West Wales Coast Community Rail Partnership Community Grant Fund.

The club received £1,000 for their ‘Get Up and Go Project’ from the Community Grant Fund, which was launched in partnership with Transport for Wales in September 2022. Their successful application meant they were able to purchase outside toys and equipment to strengthen children’s motor skills, encourage collaborative play, build confidence and improve communication.  Additionally, funding was used to host Yoga workshops for children and staff encouraging physical activity and promoting health and wellbeing.

Janet Smith, Manager at Deganwy out of School Club said: “This funding has enabled the Club to purchase outside toys for the children and Yoga sessions. A playground kit, taxi bike and spinning balance top has encouraged the children to be more physical and help them develop balance skills, improve their motor skills and enhance communication. The Yoga sessions for the children and staff/committee has enriched everyone’s health and wellbeing and given the children a chance to try something new. A big big thank you.”