CAIS Social Enterprises and Adferiad Recovery proudly announce its new Porter’s Café is open. Situated between platforms 1 and 3 within Llandudno Junction Railway Station, Porter’s coffee shop will be open Monday to Saturday. The cafe officially opened at 12 noon 1 March 2024, by MS Janet Finch-Saunders, and Adferiad’s Chair of Trustees, Clive Wolfendale.
Working with Transport for Wales at Llandudno Junction, the café will supply commuters and staff with quality coffee and light bites on their journeys around the local area.
Porters is unique in that it is a social enterprise. It operates on a not-for-profit model, ensuring that additional funds are filtered back into community services (provided by Adferiad) to support those who need it most, to create and sustain jobs and support the local community. This is the third of an additional two successful coffee shops operating in North Wales, succeeding the good work already being done in Porters Coffee shop in the Colwyn Bay Leisure Centre, and Llandudno Troop Café, a community-led café situated on the coach park in Llandudno, which provides additional support for veterans in the area. When you buy from any Porter’s coffee shops, your money has a positive impact on those around you, with the cafe’s motto being: “our coffee is more than just a coffee!”

We are delighted to have this opportunity to grow and develop our social enterprise café’s across North Wales. We already operate Porter’s Coffee Shop in Colwyn Bay and the opportunity to place our brand in a prime position in Llandudno Junction is exciting for our development as an award-winning Social Enterprise. It will ensure that we are able to continue providing employment and training in the local area, as well as giving people the choice to give back to the local community when they go out to for a coffee.
Mark Welsh, CAIS social Enterprises Service Manager
TFW is delighted to have been able to work with Adferiad in taking occupation at Llandudno Junction and is excited to see the official opening of their café facility that will provide support to those who need it within the local community.
Alexia Course, Chief Commercial Officer for Transport for Wales
The opening of this cafe continues our ongoing support for the local community in Conwy. As a social enterprise, any profits made by the cafe will be invested back into Adferiad’s community services to ensure that people who need the support the most will receive it. Our new venture also provides an additional premises for us to deliver these services in the shape of groups, working experience and training. The cafe will provide the opportunity for customers to be socially conscious, as the success of our cafes means more growth for our support services.
Lynn Bennoch, Chair of the Board for CAIS Social Enterprises